Mon – Fri: 9:00am – 7:00pm, Sat – Sun: 8:30am – 5:00pm

How To Get PrEP

Choose how you want to get PrEP:

See a medical provider at a clinic:

Book Now

Tell your provider you want to start PrEP when you make the appointment

At the visit, the provider will ask:

If you might have been exposed to HIV in the last 72 hours. (In that case, you would need PEP…see below).
If you have had flu-like symptoms in the past 4-6 weeks.
If you have ever been told that you have kidney problems or Hepatitis B infection. (You can still get PrEP, but your provider will need more information first.)

The provider will offer an HIV test to make sure you’re HIV negative. Some providers offer a rapid HIV test using fingerstick blood or oral fluid. Other providers may require a visit to a lab for testing.

Get your PrEP!

If the HIV test is negative and your provider doesn’t have any medical concerns, you can get your PrEP! Access to same-day PrEP varies by location. You might get a prescription for pills to fill at a pharmacy or if indicated, you may get a starter pack of pills until you can get to pharmacy. Please note: access to Apretude injectable PrEP can be a lengthy process.

Choose how you want to take PrEP

For Injectable PrEP (given by a shot in the buttock), your first shot will last for 4 weeks. After your second shot, you will continue shots every 8 weeks.
For Oral PrEP (taken by mouth), you’ll get a prescription for either 30 or 90 days.

You have a few options:

Get generic Truvada (F/TDF)

Start taking one pill a day every day – you will be protected from HIV after 7 days.
OR start with 2 pills on the first day, then one pill every day – you will be protected in 24 hours.
OR use 2-1-1 dosing only when you are going to have sex – you will be protected between 2-24 hours before you have sex as long as you remember your doses after sex too!

Get Descovy (F/TAF)

Start taking one pill a day every day – you will be protected from HIV after 7 days.

If you have vaginal/front hole sex or share injection equipment, you will need to take generic Truvada (F/TDF) every day.

Get The Rest Of Your PrEP Labs Done

If your blood was not drawn at the clinic, you’ll need to complete a few more tests. You’ll need to get them done within about 7 days of your visit to make sure it is safe to continue taking PrEP.

Make A Plan For Getting Refills

Pick up from a pharmacy.
Pick it up from your clinic.
Get it delivered by mail (ask your pharmacy if they offer this).
Get if delivered by a driver (check out Alto Pharmacy for this option).

Make A Plan For Follow Up Visits.

Talk with your provider about when you should come back for another appointment (usually in 1-3 months); ask about doing a video/phone visit in the future if that’s easier for you.